Defining Riparian Rights at the Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association
Presenting At the Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association
Pender & Coward’s very own Bryan Peeples will be presenting at the Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association on Wednesday, September 16, about riparian rights and waterfront property. He’ll be explaining the five riparian property rights, what a riparian area is and how to calculate it, and more all through Zoom.
Presentation highlights:
- Defining and explaining the five riparian property rights (Taylor v. Commonwealth, 102 Va. 759, 773 (1904))
- Defining the riparian area and how to calculate it (Groner v. Foster, 94 Va. 650, 652-53, 27 S.E. 493, 494 (1897))
- Explaining a riparian survey
- Real estate considerations (accretion; avulsion; alluvium; pitfalls for waterfront property purchasers)
- Ownership of bottomland (Va. Code §28.2-1200, at seq)
- Procedure for filing a Joint Permit Application with the Virginia marine Resources Commission
- Examples from recent cases
Bryan’s Expertise in Riparian Rights and Waterfront Property
Bryan has been with Pender & Coward since 2018, and is a member of the firm’s waterfront law practice group. He specializes in maritime and riparian law, and a variety of other practice areas. He’s also a regular contributor on our waterfront property law’s blog, and has written about waterfront property rights, environmental law, and more.
About Norfolk & Portsmouth
Founded in 1990, the Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association serves a community of lawyers, law students, legal administrators, and the local legal military community. They offer a variety of memberships with benefits including luncheons, breakfast meetings, networking opportunities, and more!
To learn more about the Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association and their full list of presentations, check out their website here.