Waterfront Law Team Supports the Virginia Lakes and Watersheds Association’s Bi-Annual Virginia Dam Owner Training Seminar
The Virginia Lakes and Watersheds Association asked Waterfront Law Team attorney, Jim Lang, to teach at its all-day seminar in Richmond for dam owners in Virginia, held on March 4, 2023. This seminar taught approximately 60 attendees about their obligations to construct, operate and maintain their dams in accordance with the Virginia Dam Safety Act and the implementing regulations. Jim’s co-panelists included Mark Kilgore (Lead Dam Safety Engineer, Va. Department of Conservation and Recreation), Tom Roberts (Vice President, H2R Engineering, Blacksburg, Va.), and David Krisnitski (AMT Engineering, Christiansburg, Va.). Jim taught that part of the curriculum that covered the Federal Law regarding dam safety, Virginia Law regarding dam safety and the liability of the dam owner or operator following a dam failure.
We have two articles on our blog with more information about Virginia law on dam safety. Click here to read our article “Virginia Law and Regulation Regarding Dam Safety”, or here to read our article “Virginia Law on a Dam Owner’s Liability After a Dam Failure”.
The attorneys on our Waterfront Property Law Team have strong connections, significant legal experience and go the extra mile for our clients to get the job done. A few years ago one of our attorneys kicked off his shoes and got in the water to fend off a criminal enforcement action. The attorney got soaked in the process, but he protected our client from facing criminal charges.
Contact Jim Lang if you would like to see him publish more information on how the conservation easement laws affect waterfront property owners in the state of Virginia. Of course, you can always contact Jim for his advice and assistance in connection with needs specific to your particular situation.